L’intégralité du texte est accessible sur http://www.tibet.com/Govt/charter.html
Précisions : on peut traduire Kashag par "ministère" et Kalon par "ministre", mais comme on peut le voir à la lecture de la Charte, ce sont plutôt de grands administrateurs.
Executive Power
Article 19. The executive power of the Tibetan Administration shall be vested in His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and shall be exercised by Him, either directly or through officers subordinate to Him, in accordance with the provisions of this Charter. In particular, His Holiness the Dalai Lama shall be empowered to execute the following executive powers as the chief executive of the Tibetan people.
(a) approve and promulgate bills and regulations prescribed by the Tibetan Assembly ;
(b) promulgate acts and ordinances that have the force of law.
(c) confer honors and patents of merit ;
(d) summon, adjourn, postpone and prolong the Tibetan Assembly ;
(e) send messages and addresses to the Tibetan Assembly whenever necessary ;
(f) dissolve or suspend the Tibetan Assembly ;
(g) dissolve the Kashag or remove a Kalon or Kalons ;
(h) summon emergency and special meetings of major significance ; and
(j) authorize referendums in cases involving major issues in accordance with this Charter.
(8) If a two-thirds majority of members present in the Tibetan Assembly has not approved the reduction of required percentage of votes for election, or if after the reduction, the required percentage has not been secured by 3 candidates for the position of Kalons, the matter shall be presented to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and decided thereon in accordance with His advice.
(9) If the number of elected candidates with equal percentages of votes exceeds the required number of Kalons, such candidates shall become candidates for subsequent election.
(10) a) If the elected Kalons are so few that they are unable to discharge their responsibilities properly, then the Kashag may approach the Tibetan Assembly, whereupon the matter may be submitted to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and following His assent, the vacancies for the remaining positions of Kalons within the Kashag may be elected by the Tibetan Assembly.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s summoning of the Kashag Meetings
Article 28. (1) His Holiness the Dalai Lama may, from time to time, summon a meeting, or may be requested by the Kashag to attend Kashag meetings. The Kalons shall be in attendance during such meetings and His Holiness the Dalai Lama shall preside over these Kashag meetings.
(2) The Kashag shall be exclusively responsible for the expeditious execution of resolutions passed thereof in the meetings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Kashag.
Article 29 (4) His Holiness the Dalai Lama may, in cases of an emergency, dissolve the Kashag or remove a Kalon or Kalons, as the case may be.
Conduct of Business of the Tibetan Administration - Article 30. All executive business of the Tibetan Administration shall be conducted in the name of H.H. the Dalai Lama. The Kashag shall formulate detailed regulations concerning transaction of administrative business, rules and regulations, and the making of decisions, by the chief Kalon or Kalons of the Kashag ; and those laws shall come into force with the approval of the Tibetan Assembly and the assent of H.H.the Dalai Lama.
Legislative Power - Article 36. All legislative power and authority shall rest in the Tibetan Assembly, and such legislation shall require the assent of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to become law.
Adopted by the Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies : 14 June 1991 }